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[:] Public Documentation
Documentation hosted mostly on this server that is available to the general public.

[:] HTML: Examples, Elements & Attributes, CSS, Special characters


[:] JavaScript language1, language2, DOM, RegEx

[:] Lisp - our favorite language
Most people don't see the forest for the trees (i.e. parantheses). To see the advantages of Lisp read Paul Graham's article Beating the Averages and the study done by Erann Gat.

Greenspun's Tenth Rule of Programming says: any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.

[:] Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (including a local copy)

[:] Source code for rofs-filtered - a FUSE based file system that is read-only and can be filtered using regular expressions. [:] Source code for rofs-filtered - a FUSE based file system that is read-only and can be filtered using regular expressions.

[:] Various downloads available locally.

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