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[:] ROFS-Filtered: a filtered Read-Only-File-System based on FUSE. You can download the latest version.

This ROFS-Filtered FUSE file system allows the user to mount a directory tree as read-only and filter the files shown in the read-only directory tree based on regular expressions found in the rofs-filtered.rc configuration file. See the rofs-filtered.rc file for more details.

What's the use of such a file system? Say you have a ton of *.flac music files, along with the transcoded *.mp3 files in the same directory tree structure. Maybe you want to show only one of the formats to music players that can play both flac and mp3 so that the songs don't show up twice. You might also want to show only mp3 files to players that don't understand the flac format.

[:]TclPro 1.4 (21Mb)

[:] VNC - local copy of the Windows binary and instructions on how to tunnel vnc over ssh using PuTTY which is also available locally.

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