#: :CompileDB.txt # Compiler information listings for Thinking in # C++ 2nd Edition By Bruce Eckel. See copyright # notice in Copyright.txt. # This is used by ExtractCode.cpp to generate the # makefiles for the book, including the command- # line flags for each vendor's compiler and # linker. Following that are the code listings # from the book that will not compile for each # compiler. The listings are, to the best of my # knowledge, correct Standard C++ (According to # the Final Draft International Standard). Please # note that the tests were performed with the # most recent compiler that I had at the time, # and may have changed since this file was # created. # After ExtractCode.cpp creates the makefiles # for each chapter subdirectory, you can say # "make gcc", for example, and all the programs # that will successfully compile with gcc will # be built. ################################################# # Compiling all files, for a (theoretical) fully- # conformant compiler. This assumes a typical # compiler under dos: { all } # Object file name extension in parentheses: (obj) # Executable file extension in square brackets: [exe] # The leading '&' is for special directives. The # dos directive means to replace '/' # with '\' in all directory paths: &dos # The following lines will be inserted directly # into the makefile (sans the leading '@' sign) # If your environment variables are set to # establish these you won't need to use arguments # on the make command line to set them: # CPP: the name of your C++ compiler # CPPFLAGS: Compilation flags for your compiler # OFLAG: flag to give the final executable name #@CPP = yourcompiler #@CPPFLAGS = #@OFLAG = -e @.SUFFIXES : .obj .cpp .c @.cpp.obj : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< @.c.obj : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< # Assumes all files will compile # See later for an example of Unix configuration ################################################# # Borland C++ Builder 4 -- With Upgrade!!! # Target name used in makefile: { Borland } # Object file name extension in parentheses: (obj) # Executable file extension in square brackets: [exe] # The leading '&' is for special directives. The # dos directive means to replace '/' # with '\' in all directory paths: &dos # Inserted directly into the makefile (without # the leading '@' sign): @# Note: this requires the upgrade from @# www.Borland.com for successful compilation! @CPP = Bcc32 @CPPFLAGS = -w-inl -w-csu -wnak @OFLAG = -e @.SUFFIXES : .obj .cpp .c @.cpp.obj : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< @.c.obj : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< # Doesn't support static const # array initialization: C10:StaticArray.cpp # Problem with string constructors at run-time: C01:ICompare.cpp ### ??? C01:StringIterators.cpp # Template bug: C03:ArraySize.cpp # Not sure: C04:AssocInserter.cpp # Bitset is Broken in this compiler's library: C04:BitSet.cpp # Standard Library problem: C05:SearchReplace.cpp ### ??? C05:PtrFun1.cpp C05:PtrFun2.cpp C05:Removing.cpp # Function-level try blocks not implemented: C07:FunctionTryBlock.cpp # Uses the SGI STL extensions, so it actually # isn't supposed to compile with this # compiler: C04:MapVsHashMap.cpp C05:MemFun4.cpp C05:Compose2.cpp ### ??? C09:UseLog2.cpp C09:Recycle1.cpp C09:Recycle2.cpp C09:Recycle3.cpp C09:Recycle4.cpp C09:DoubleDispatch.cpp C09:DynaTrash.cpp ################################################# # Visual C++ 6.0 -- With Service Pack 3!!! # Target name used in makefile: { Microsoft } # Object file name extension in parentheses: (obj) # Executable file extension in square brackets: [exe] # The leading '&' is for special directives. The # dos directive means to replace '/' # with '\' in all directory paths: &dos # Inserted directly into the makefile (without # the leading '@' sign): @# Note: this requires the service Pack 3 from @# www.Microsoft.com for successful compilation! @CPP = cl @CPPFLAGS = -GX -GR @OFLAG = -o @.SUFFIXES : .obj .cpp .c @.cpp.obj : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< @.c.obj : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< C02:Incident.cpp # It can't even handle multiple "for(int i =...:" # statements in the same scope (a really old # language feature!): C02:Intvector.cpp C03:Assert.cpp C07:MemTest.cpp C09:Cpptime.cpp C12:Comma.cpp C13:GlobalOperatorNew.cpp C16:TStack2Test.cpp # Template scoping bug: C16:Drawing.cpp # Common problem with namespaces and C libraries: C01:ICompare.cpp C02:FileClassTest.cpp C02:Datagen.cpp C02:Datascan.cpp # Can't do template type induction properly: C03:ArraySize.cpp # Doesn't know about template-templates: C03:TemplateTemplate.cpp C03:applyGromit2.cpp # Can't do template specializations: C03:Sorted.cpp # Can't do explicit template instantiation: C03:ExplicitInstantiation.cpp # Missing part of iostreams: C04:StreamIt.cpp # Problem with STL: C04:BasicSequenceOperations.cpp C04:VectorCoreDump.cpp C04:DequeConversion.cpp C04:Stack2.cpp # Problem with static class initializer: C04:BankTeller.cpp # Missing STL functionality: C04:VectorOfBool.cpp # STL problem: C04:AssocInserter.cpp # Various problems: C04:WildLifeMonitor.cpp C04:MultiSet1.cpp C04:Thesaurus.cpp # These use the SGI STL extensions, so they # actually aren't supposed to compile # with this compiler: C04:MapVsHashMap.cpp C05:Compose2.cpp # Namespace problem again, and other issues: C05:FunctionObjects.cpp C05:Binder1.cpp C05:Binder3.cpp C05:Binder4.cpp C05:RandGenTest.cpp C05:MemFun1.cpp C05:MemFun2.cpp C05:FindBlanks.cpp C05:MemFun3.cpp C05:MemFun4.cpp C05:FillGenerateTest.cpp C05:Counting.cpp C05:Manipulations.cpp C05:SearchReplace.cpp C05:Comparison.cpp C05:Removing.cpp C05:SortTest.cpp C05:SortedSearchTest.cpp C05:MergeTest.cpp C05:SetOperations.cpp C05:ForEach.cpp C05:Transform.cpp C05:CalcInventory.cpp C05:TransformNames.cpp C05:SpecialList.cpp C05:NumericTest.cpp # Most compilers don't support this yet: C07:FunctionTryBlock.cpp # Lack of support for 'static const' again: C09:Recycle2.cpp C10:ExtractCode.cpp C10:MemTest.cpp # All these do not compile only becase of the # lack of support for 'static const'. To make # them compile, you must substitute the # 'enum hack' shown in chapter 8: C08:StringStack.cpp C08:Quoter.cpp C08:Volatile.cpp C10:StaticArray.cpp C11:HowMany2.cpp C11:Autocc.cpp C11:Pmem2.cpp C12:Smartp.cpp C12:Iosop.cpp C12:CopyingWithPointers.cpp C12:ReferenceCounting.cpp C12:TracedReferenceCounting.cpp C13:MallocClass.cpp C13:Framis.cpp C13:ArrayOperatorNew.cpp C14:FName1.cpp C14:FName2.cpp C16:IntStack.cpp C16:Array.cpp C16:Array2.cpp C16:StackTemplateTest.cpp C16:StackTemplate.cpp C16:IterIntStack.cpp C16:NestedIterator.cpp C07:Cleanup.cpp C08:Selfrtti.cpp C08:Reinterp.cpp ### ??? C09:UseLog2.cpp C09:Recycle1.cpp C09:Recycle3.cpp C09:Recycle4.cpp C09:DoubleDispatch.cpp C09:DynaTrash.cpp ################################################# # The gcc (Gnu g++) under Linux { gcc } (o) [] # The unix directive controls the way some of the # makefile lines are generated: &unix @CPP = g++ @OFLAG = -o @.SUFFIXES : .o .cpp .c @.cpp.o : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< @.c.o : @ $(CPP) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< # Files that won't compile # Error in streambuf.h: C02:Cppcheck.cpp # Not sure: C03:applyGromit2.cpp # Missing the standard library 'at()': C03:Sorted.cpp C03:ExplicitInstantiation.cpp ### ??? C03:TemplateFunctionAddress.cpp # Problem with the gcc iterator header C04:StreambufIterator.cpp C04:RawStorageIterator.cpp # gcc is missing istreambuf_iterator C04:WordList2.cpp C04:TokenizeTest.cpp C04:TokenIteratorTest.cpp C04:WordCount.cpp C04:MultiSetWordCount.cpp # gcc is missing std::iterator: C04:Ring.cpp #### C04:BasicSequenceOperations.cpp C04:DequeConversion.cpp C04:Stack2.cpp C04:AssocInserter.cpp # gcc is missing char_traits C01:ICompare.cpp # gcc vector and deque (at least) are missing # the "at()" functions: C04:IndexingVsAt.cpp # There's a problem with the gcc string class: C01:Compare2.cpp # Broken in this compiler's library: C04:BitSet.cpp # These are because isn't implemented C02:NumberPhotos.cpp C03:stringConvTest.cpp C04:StringVector.cpp C04:FEditTest.cpp C04:StringDeque.cpp C04:VectorOfBool.cpp C04:WildLifeMonitor.cpp C05:SortTest.cpp C05:SortedSearchTest.cpp C05:Binder4.cpp C05:ForEach.cpp ### ??? C05:MemFun2.cpp C05:Transform.cpp # Problem in parsing PrintSequence.h: C05:Counting.cpp C05:Manipulations.cpp C05:SearchReplace.cpp C05:Comparison.cpp C05:Removing.cpp C05:CalcInventory.cpp C05:TransformNames.cpp C05:SpecialList.cpp C05:NumericTest.cpp ### ??? C09:UseLog2.cpp C09:DynaTrash.cpp # The end tag is required: #///:~