Chapter 11 - Destructive Modification

Assignment is very different from binding, and in many cases results in programs that are harder to understand. Despite this, there are (sometimes) reasons to prefer assignment. In this chapter, we'll explore assignment and its relationship to destructive modification of data. We'll also explore several Lisp functions that implement destructive modification.

Simple assignment is destructive modification

Any time your program invokes SETQ or SETF, it is assigning a new value to an existing storage location, destroying the value that was previously in that location. As we'll see in this chapter, there are both risks and benefits to the use of assignment; you need to understand the tradeoffs in order to write Lisp code that is both correct and efficient.

The risk of assignment

Any time you define a function that uses variables, the variables are either bound or free. A bound variable occurs within a binding form that occurs within the function definition. A binding form is just a form that creates a new association between the name of a variable and a place to store its value; the most common binding forms are LET and the argument list of a DEFUN or LAMBDA.

There's a slight terminology clash in the use of the word bound. The clash is always resolved by the context of the word's use, but you need to be aware of the two meanings. In this chapter we're talking exclusively about a variable name being bound to a place to store its value; when we say that Lisp creates a binding for a variable, we mean that it creates a new place to store a value under a given name.

The other sense of bound -- not otherwise discussed in this chapter -- is the binding of a value to a storage location; Lisp supports the notion of an unbound -- or nonexistent -- value.

A variable is free within a function if the function provides no binding form for the variable's name. In the following example, the variable E is free in both functions CLOSURE-1 and CLOSURE-2.

? (let ((e 1))
    (defun closure-1 () e))
? (closure-1)
? e
Error: unbound variable

So, what happens when a function has to reference a free variable? Lisp creates a closure that captures the bindings of free variables for the function. Variables that are free within a function really do have bindings, but the bindings are outside of the function definition. When Lisp executes the function, it finds free variables in the closure. (We'll examine closures in greater detail in Chapter 15.)

Closures are important because they let a function capture and retain lexical bindings. Take another look at the example above. When we evaluated (CLOSURE-1), the variable E was no longer visible at the top level prompt. But because the function had a closure for that variable, it still has access to its binding.

Let's extend the previous example just a little.

? (let ((e 1))
    (defun closure-1 () e)
    (setq e 7)
    (defun closure-2 () e))
? (closure-1)
? (closure-2)

Do you understand why (CLOSURE-1) returned 7 rather than 1? We created a binding for the variable E and gave it an initial value of 1. Even though CLOSURE-1 was defined when E's value was 1, this doesn't matter: the closure captures the binding -- the association between the name and the storage location. When we assigned 7 as the value of E (just before defining CLOSURE-2), we changed only the one storage location for that binding. Since both functions' free variable E is closed over the same binding, they must retrieve the same value.

This behavior can be used to good effect.

? (let ((counter 0))
    (defun counter-next ()
      (incf counter))
    (defun counter-reset ()
      (setq counter 0)))
? (counter-next)
? (counter-next)
? (counter-next)
? (counter-next)
? (counter-reset)
? (counter-next)

However, some Lisp iteration forms bind their iteration variables just once, then assign new values on subsequent iterations. DO and DO* assign to their iteration variables. DOLIST and DOTIMES are allowed to assign to their iteration variables (and probably will in any implementation, because it is more efficient). You need to keep this in mind if you write code that creates a closure for an iteration variable. This example illustrates the point (see Chapter 12 if you want to read about MAPCAR):

; Closure captures assigned variable -- probably wrong 
? (let ((fns ()))
    (dotimes (i 3)
      (push #'(lambda () i) fns))
    (mapcar #'funcall fns))
(3 3 3)
; New bindind created for each captured variable 
? (let ((fns ()))
    (dotimes (i 3)
      (let ((i i))
        (push #'(lambda () i) fns)))
    (mapcar #'funcall fns))
(2 1 0)

We've seen that assignment can cause unexpected behavior in the presence of closures. Assignment can also cause problems when shared data is involved.

? (defun nil-nth (n l)
    "Set nth element of list to nil and return modified list."
    (setf (nth n l) nil)
? (defparameter *my-list* (list 1 2 3 4))
? (nil-nth 1 *my-list*)
(1 NIL 3 4)
(1 NIL 3 4)
WARNING: If you're accustomed to programming in a language that allows by-reference modification of function parameters, the previous code snippet may seem very tantalizing to you. My advice is to put aside all thoughts of using this to emulate by-reference parameters, and use multiple values (Chapter 3, Lesson 9) to safely and efficiently return multiple results from a function.

The above example is not wrong, but it is dangerous. Except in very special situations, we'd like our functions to accept arguments and return values. The problem with NIL-NTH is that it assigns a new value within the list passed as a parameter. In our example, this list is global, and may be shared by other parts of the program. If all we really wanted to do was to get a copy of the argument list with the Nth element set to NIL, then we shouldn't have altered the passed argument. Here's a better way to implement NIL-NTH:

? (defun nil-nth (n l)
    "Return list with nth element set to nil."
    (if (zerop n)
      (cons nil (rest l))
      (cons (car l) (nil-nth (1- n) (rest l)))))
? (defparameter *my-list* (list 1 2 3 4))
? (nil-nth 1 *my-list*)
(1 NIL 3 4)
(1 2 3 4)

Changing vs. copying: an issue of efficiency

If assignment is so fraught with peril, why not just omit it from the language? There are two reasons: expressiveness and efficiency. Assignment is the clearest way to alter shared data. And assignment is more efficient than binding. Binding creates a new storage location, which allocates storage, which consumes additional memory (if the binding never goes out of scope) or taxes the garbage collector (if the binding eventually does go out of scope).

Modifying lists with destructive functions

Some operations on lists (and sequences -- see Chapter 12) have both destructive and nondestructive counterparts.

Nondestructive    Destructive
--------------    -----------
SUBST             NSUBST
APPEND            NCONC
UNION             NUNION

REMOVE            DELETE

All of these pairings have the same relationship: the destructive version may be faster, but may also alter shared structure. Consider, for example, APPEND and NCONC. Both append the lists supplied as their arguments.

? (append (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
? (nconc (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6))
(1 2 3 4 5 6)

But NCONC may destructively modify all but the final list; it may change the tail of each list to point to the head of the next list.

? (defparameter list1 (list 1 2 3))
? (defparameter list2 (list 4 5 6))
? (append list1 list2)
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
? list1
(1 2 3)
? list2
(4 5 6)
? (nconc list1 list2)
(1 2 3 4 5 6)
? list1
(1 2 3 4 5 6) ; Oops - compare to previous result! 
? list2
(4 5 6)

RPLACA, RPLACD, SETF ...; circularity

A list is constructed of CONS cells. Each CONS has two parts, a CAR and a CDR (review Chapter 3, Lesson 4). The CAR holds the data for one element of the list, and the CDR holds the CONS that makes up the head of the rest of the list.

By using RPLACA and RPLACD to change the two fields of a CONS, we can (destructively) alter the normal structure of a list. For example, we could splice out the second element of a list like this:

? (defparameter *my-list* (list 1 2 3 4))
? (rplacd *my-list* (cdr (cdr *my-list*)))
(1 3 4)
? *my-list*
(1 3 4)

We can also use these "list surgery operators" to create circular lists.

? (let ((l (list 1)))
    (rplacd l l)
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ; Continues until interrupt or stack overflow 
? (let ((l (list 2)))
    (rplaca l l)
(((((((((((((((( ... ; Continues until interrupt or stack overflow 

We can get the same effect using (SETF CAR) in place of RPLACA and (SETF CDR) in place of RPLACD.

(rplaca cons object) is (setf (car cons) object)
(rplacd cons object) is (setf (cdr cons) object)

The nice thing about the SETF notation is that it readily generalizes to other list accessors, such as NTH, LAST, NTHCDR, and FOURTH.

Places vs. values: destructive functions don't always have the desired side-effect

A nondestructive function such as REVERSE always returns a freshly constructed result, so there's never any question but that you need to pay attention to the result. But a destructive function such as NREVERSE sometimes modifies its argument in such a way that the changed argument is identical to the function result. This leads some programmers to assume that destructive functions always modify the argument to match the result. Unfortunately, this is not true; leading to the second important point about the use of destructive functions: you should use the result of a destructive function the same way that you would use the result of its nondestructive counterpart.

This also applies to SORT and STABLE-SORT, which are destructive and do not have a nondestructive counterpart.

Contrast e.g. PUSH and DELETE

Here's an example showing why you should not depend upon DELETE's side-effects.

? (defparameter *my-list (list 1 2 3 4))
? (delete 3 *my-list*)
(1 2 4)
? *my-list*
(1 2 4)
? (delete 1 *my-list*)
(2 4)
? *my-list*
(1 2 4) ; Not the same as function result 

But some macros, for example PUSH and POP, take a place as an argument and arrange to update the place with the correct value.

? (defparameter *stack* ())
? (push 3 *stack*)
? (push 2 *stack*)
(2 3)
? (push 1 *stack*)
(1 2 3)
? *stack*
(1 2 3)
? (pop *stack*)
? *stack*
(2 3)

Shared and constant data: Dangers of destructive changes

When you use destructive functions you should be sure to only modify data that your program has constructed at runtime. Here's an example of what can happen if you destructively modify a constant list.

? (defun stomp-a-constant ()
    (let ((l '(1 2 3))) ; compile-time constant data 
      (print l)
      (setf (second l) nil) ; destructive modification 
? (stomp-a-constant)
(1 2 3)
(1 NIL 3)
? (stomp-a-constant)
(1 NIL 3)
(1 NIL 3)

This function is effectively modifying itself, as it changes the constant data which is bound to the variable L. The effects of this change show up in the first line of output on the second run (and all subsequent runs).

If you replace '(1 2 3) (which may be compiled into constant data) with (list 1 2 3) (which always creates a fresh list at run time) then the function's behavior will be identical on the first and all subsequent runs.

Contents | Cover
Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12

Copyright © 1995-2001, David B. Lamkins
All Rights Reserved Worldwide

This book may not be reproduced without the written consent of its author. Online distribution is restricted to the author's site.