This zipped archive contains the K2500 Reference Guide, in .pdf format. These .pdf files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat. You can download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader from the Adobe web site: Once unzipped, the entire set of files will require 24 meg of drive space. Links within the files let you move from place to place within the documentation set. For example, while viewing the table of contents or index of a book you can click on a page number and move immediately to the referenced page. This also works with "see page" references, so that when the text tells you to see page x, you can click on the page number to move directly to page x. These links will only work, however, on systems such as the Apple Macintosh and Windows 95 or 98, which support long file names. If you are running an earlier version of Windows, you will still be able to view the files, but the links will not work. We hope that you find these .pdf manual files to be a useful way to get information about your K2500. We will provide updated on-line documentation as it becomes available.